Wednesday, April 9, 2008


how to make shish kabab?

you have to bring some of meat
mix it with viniger limon salt chile onion
leav it some hours
but it in the grilling bar
but the bar on the grill or coal tell it become cooked very well

eat it with bread or makaroni


now lets talk about taameya
or i can call it egyptian burger
you ll need bean and onion and and Parsley and salt and paper
now you have to remove the cover or cortex from beens after falling it in water for some hours

mix all components together

grind them in the grinder and choper them
mix your cream well
put it in the hot oil
eat taameya


now know how to made a dish of koshary
you ll need a litle amount of makaroni and rice and Lentils and chickpeas
now lets cook the rice and poile the makaroni for 10 minutes and cook the lentils and chickpeas tell it become Nutrients

mix all of them with each other

but chilly and vineger and limon and salt

go to eat

well come to the egyption food

in this blog we will talk about fanous egyption meals

the first is koshary or koshari

the second is taameya or tameya or tameyah

the third is foul ( been ) ,i ll explain how to cook those meals and other kinds if god wells soon